Where do you go when you are at the edge of exhaustion and facing an impossible situation? Elijah goes to God and finds an unexpected experience of silence and stillness — which was exactly what he needed. In this sermon, we look at the importance of stillness and how it can shape our hearts in the midst of our daily lives.

Key Verses: 1 Kings 19:8-18

Direct download: GCC20240428.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 2:21pm CDT

One of the most frustrating things we can experience in our lives is an unanswered prayer. In this sermon, we look at how Hannah faced her unanswered prayers, and how she ultimately experienced God through them in powerful ways.

Key Verses: 1 Samuel 1:9-18

Direct download: GCC20240421.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 1:57pm CDT

Throughout this series, we are going through Biblical stories of people who experienced God in profound ways. This week, we look at Jacob, who wrestled with God and came away with a limp and a blessing. This unusual experience with God contains lessons for our lives today. 

Key Verses: Genesis 32:22-32

Direct download: GCC20240414.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 12:48pm CDT

Jesus made the astounding promise that we can be friends with God. One of the ways by which we come into friendship with God is to experience him — not only as someone in ancient stories, but also as someone who is alive, in our hearts, today. But how? In this sermon, we look at the one of the most famous experiences of God, Moses and the Burning Bush.

Key Verses: Exodus 3:1-6

Direct download: GCC20240407.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 10:14pm CDT

When Jesus dies rises from the grave, he is putting his love on full display — for us. In this sermon, we celebrate his resurrection by looking at his great love for us, what it means, and how it can change us in the deepest of ways.

Key Verses: Romans 5:6-11

Direct download: GCC20240331.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 10:31pm CDT





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