If we want to know God, it is essential that we spend time with his truths. In this sermon, we look at how to approach the Bible in a way that connects us to the living God.

Scriptures: Psalm 119:97-104

Keywords: bible, study, meditation, prayer, scripture, knowing God

Direct download: GCC20190623.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 9:13am CDT

Part of following God includes admitting where we are wrong. In this sermon, we see how God’s kindness is meant to motivate us to do this more easily and frequently.

Scriptures: Romans 2:1-4

Keywords: repentance, kindness, spiritual growth

Direct download: GCC20190616.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 12:09pm CDT

Our hearts are trick things - sometimes they lead us towards God, while other times they lead us away from him. In this sermon, we look at what Moses means when he tells us to "circumcise" our hearts and how this practice can help us know God in more meaningful ways.

Scriptures: Deuteronomy 10:12-17

Keywords: spiritual growth, stubbornness, pride, renewal, heart, circumcise


Direct download: GCC20190609.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 8:01am CDT

We all want to make some kind of impact or difference deep down, but the problem is doing so is difficult, confusing, and disconcerting. Jesus shows through an incredible act of service, before His greatest act of sacrifice, what it looks like to make a difference. He washes His disciples feet. He serves them. Jesus calls each of us to do the same. What could my life look like if I began to follow His example? If I pursued serving others, over serving my own interests and comforts?

Scriptures: John 13:1-17

Keywords: Serve, Jesus, Feet, Washing, Difference, Help, Love, Servant, Sacrifice




Direct download: GCC20190602.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:10am CDT





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