What do we do when we realize that our traditions have become as important to us as our faith?  When our rituals are more important than our worship?  When religion gets in the way of God?

Scriptures and Keywords:   Mark 7:1-23, Ritual, Ceremony, Tradition, Church, Eating, Drinking, Pharisees

Direct download: GCC20110626.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 12:30pm CDT

The most difficult place to live out our faith is often in the places where people know us the best.  Even Jesus ran into this in his hometown.  One of the most unbelieving communities was His own.  Why is this true, and how should we respond?

Scriptures and Keywords:   Mark 6:1-6, Ministry, Evangelism, Faith, Family, Friends, Community, Stumbling Block

Direct download: 20111906.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 12:30am CDT

Jesus challenged His disciples, and sets the example for us today, that a growing faith and dependence on Him is part of being a follower of Christ. Join Ron Edmondson as he takes us to a familiar story with practical applications for today.

Scriptures and Keywords:   Mark 4:35-41, Jesus, Faith, Storms, Disciples, Growth

Direct download: GCC20110612.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 12:30pm CDT

The church is often associated with those who have life figured out...who have it altogether. The story of Jesus says the church is otherwise. Join Ron Edmondson as he looks at a story about what the church really is supposed to be and do.

Scriptures and Keywords:   Mark 2:13-17, Jesus, Mark, Sinner, Levi, Matthew, Tax Collector

Direct download: GCC20110605.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 12:30pm CDT





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