Sun, 26 November 2006
God tells us in His Word that we are to live with grateful hearts always. That's hard to do. In the midst of difficult days, how can we have thankful hearts?
Mon, 20 November 2006
Like dominos, every decision we make affects someone else. Sound scary? Actually, it's one of God's greatest gifts to us? The ancient story of Esther helps us understand this powerful gift. |
Mon, 13 November 2006
Some days we are to close to the action to see what is really happening. It pays to step back and get a big picture perspective. Maybe our bad days are not as bad as we thought. |
Mon, 13 November 2006
Does God owe it to us to do more than He's already done? Exactly what has He done for us? Maybe this half-empty glass we call life is more full than we realize. |