Our culture often defines forgiveness as weakness, out of date, and unrealistic. But Jesus teaches the reality that not only is forgiveness possible, but it's crucial in the life of a follower of Christ. Join us this week as Brandon Reed looks to Jesus' teaching to redefine forgiveness.


Scriptures and Keywords:  Matthew 6:9-15, Jesus, sermon on the mount, prayer, forgiveness, culture, guilt, hurt, brokenness, grace, gospel.
Direct download: GCC20120429.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 1:00pm CDT

Often we allow failure to define our life, rather than redefining our life by failure. Join Ron Edmondson as we learn how God can use failure to position us for even greater use in life and within the Kingdom of God. 

Scriptures and Keywords:  Luke 22, John 21, Acts 4, Failure, Success, Peter, Ministry, Call, Obedience, Faith
Direct download: GCC20120422.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 1:00pm CDT

Is success the same as winning?  If that is the case, then most of us are losers.  Regardless of what our culture teaches, what is the true definition of success?

Scriptures and Keywords: Daniel 3:1-30, Success, Failure,  Risk, Faith, Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Pagan Worship

Direct download: GCC20120415.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 1:00pm CDT

We often run from discomfort and any kind of pain.  But what if there is healing in the pain.  This Easter, we will embrace the burn that comes with encountering Jesus.

Scriptures and Keywords: Luke 24:1-33, Resurrection, Jesus, Emmaus, Easter, Prophecy
Direct download: GCC20120408.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 1:00pm CDT

Michael Bayne talks about how the when we open our lives up to Scripture it always calls us to action

Scriptures:  2 Kings 22-23

Keywords:  Bible, Truth, Change

Direct download: GCC20120722.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 1:30pm CDT

Sometimes things have to get desperate before they get better. Let's look at the final week of Jesus earthly ministry. Things are getting desperate, but Easter is coming! 

Scriptures and Keywords: John 12:12-15, John 12:16, John 12:17-19, John 12:20-23, John 12:24, John 12:25-26, John 12:27-28, Jesus, Cross, Desperation, Disciples, Lazarus, Palm Sunday 

Direct download: GCC_20120401.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 12:30pm CDT





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