How do we know that we know God?  Jesus shows us the importance of bearing good fruit, while at the same time giving us a solemn and serious warning.

Scriptures: Matthew 7:15-23

Keywords: Sermon on the Mount, Jesus, hypocrisy, good works, faith, spiritual growth, Matthew
Direct download: GCC20160424.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 8:30am CST

These three verses are some of the most famous words of Jesus recorded in Scripture. This week we will see that this was a call to action and not just wise advice for followers of Jesus.

Scriptures: Matthew 7:12-14

Keywords: Sermon on the Mount, Jesus, Golden Rule, Life, Discipleship, Growth
Direct download: GCC20160417.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 8:30am CST

Jesus teaches us that how we pray is really important. In this passage, he shows us that God wants to be asked to be involved with every area of our lives.

Scriptures: Matthew 7:7-11

Keywords: Sermon on the Mount, prayer, Matthew, Jesus, petitionary prayer
Direct download: GCC20160410.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 8:30am CST

As Jesus closes his most famous sermon, he addresses what it means to live in community with other people.  This week we hear Jesus speak to the danger of
judging others.

Scriptures: Matthew 7:1-6

Keywords: Judging, Judgment, Sermon on the Mount, Jesus, Grace, Relationships, Conflict
Direct download: GCC20160403.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 8:30am CST





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