When we start something that demands faith we will always be tempted to quit. Join Michael Bayne as he helps us discover how we can push through the temptation to quit so that we can see God do the impossible.

Scriptures:    Exodus 14

Keywords: perseverance, focus, opposition, Exodus, drive, direction

Direct download: GCC20140126b.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 10:30am CST

Anytime we start something that demands faith the first step is always the hardest. Join Michael Bayne as he helps us discover how we can take those first few daring steps and gain real momentum. 

Scriptures:    Genesis 11:27-32 & 12:1-9

Keywords: progress, momentum, goal, hope, start, direction

Direct download: GCC20140126a.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 10:30am CST

When you start anything that’s significant you will face opposition. Join Michael Bayne has he invites us to let go of the things that so often hold us back from moving forward. Our past can’t be allowed to determine our future.

Scriptures:    Romans 5:1-8

Keywords: past, sin, hope, future, resistance, forgiveness, progress, start

Direct download: GCC20140112.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 10:30am CST

Every New Year ushers in a sense of a new beginning, a fresh start. Many of us make resolutions because there are things in our lives we want to change. Join Michael Bayne as he kicks off the Start series and reminds us to slow down and ask God what He wants us to start!

Scriptures:    Habakkuk 3:1-2 & 17-19

Keywords: begin, resolution, new year, forward, progress, faith, direction, faith, Habakkuk, start

Direct download: GCC20140105.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 10:30am CST





January 2014
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