Mon, 25 March 2024
The last words Jesus says before he dies show us, thousands of years later something incredibly powerful — the culmination of a life that was grounded in the reality of God, his calling, and most importantly his love. In this sermon, we look at these last words of Jesus and explore how they can help us face our lives, and our deaths, with this same reality. Key Verses: Luke 23:44-46 |
Sun, 17 March 2024
As Jesus breathes his last, he shouts a cry of victory. His proclamation that “It is Finished!” is a joyful cry that will enable us to be made right with God. This victory is especially significant because it doesn’t need anything from us. We cannot add to it, earn it, or do anything additional. It is all grace; it is all finished. Key Verses: John 19:28-30 |
Sun, 10 March 2024
When we look at Jesus on the Cross, John gives us a surprising detail — Jesus asks for a drink because he is thirsty. In this sermon, we see how Jesus’ thirst shows us what it means to be in need, and how to find real meaning and hope in the midst of our neediness. Key Verses: John 19:28-29 |
Mon, 4 March 2024
As we continue to study the last words of Jesus on the cross, we look to words that Jesus utters as He is experiencing the greatest of His sufferings. Jesus’ cry towards God here is an expression of the internal suffering He is experiencing by taking on our sin, abandonment by God. We reflect today on this passage by looking at this suffering of Jesus and how it should impact our communion with God today. Key Verses: Matthew 27:45-46 |