When we come to Jesus and ask him to be with us in our lives, what do we find? In this sermon, we see the importance of forgiveness — why we need it, what it really means, and how we can carry it with us, in our hearts. 

Key Verses: Romans 6:15-23


Direct download: GCC20230423.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 9:32pm CDT

In light of the resurrection of Christ, there is an opportunity to have our lives shaped by Jesus. Foundational to The Way is the truth of being welcome to come to Him as we are. He calls us away from those things that make us weary and tired. Instead, we go to Him with our hearts of faith and repentance, boldly learning a new way of living that brings rest and renewal.


Key Verses: Matthew 11:28-30


Direct download: GCC20230416.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 7:35am CDT

Easter reminds us of the center of our faith — that Jesus rose from the dead and now lives a new life. He invites us into this same new life, but before we can enter in, we must ask three questions about this holy invitation: is it true, is it good, and is it beautiful?
Key Verses: John 20:1-10
Direct download: GCC20230409.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 10:00pm CDT

In this last sign of John’s gospel, we see most clearly what Jesus came to do: bring new life in the presence of death. In this sermon, we look at the new life we need, the way it comes to us, and how it leaves us after we experience it.
Key Verses: John 11:17-44
Direct download: GCC20230402.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 3:22pm CDT





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