Sun, 28 December 2014
Most of us see the New Year as a fresh start and a new opportunity to make things different. Often that blank slate quickly gets filled with things that distract us from what really matters in life. Join Michael Bayne as he helps us fill in the blank slate of the New Year with the power of intentional prayer. Scriptures: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 Keywords: Prayer, Change, Faith, Future |
Sun, 21 December 2014
Thousands of years ago, God's people waited for the coming Messiah to give them light in the midst of darkness. John describes the significance of God answering his people through Jesus in his very famous passage - John 1. Join us this week as we celebrate our final Sunday of Advent by looking at how Jesus came to give us light and what that means for our lives today. Scriptures: John 1:1-5, 9-14 Keywords: Christmas, Advent, Jesus, John, Waiting, Hope |
Sun, 14 December 2014
As we continue to celebrate Christmas, we once again look back to God's people as they waited for the Messiah to come. We see that their story revolves around this foundational idea: freedom. Join Adam Dressler as he explores why freedom was so important to God's people and why we need that same freedom today. Scriptures: Isaiah 61:1-3 Keywords: Advent, Christmas, Waiting, Isaiah, Jesus, Sin, Freedom |
Sun, 7 December 2014
Everyone knows what it feels like to face injustice. Other people wrong us. They mistreat us and hurt us unfairly. But it's not just other people that wrong us - we live in a world where we face wrong-doing every day. How do we face these situations? Join Adam Dressler as he continues our Advent series and explores how God addresses the injustices of our lives through Jesus. Scriptures: Isaiah 59:1-11, Psalm 62:5-8 Keywords: Christmas, Advent, Jesus, Justice, Isaiah, Salvation, Waiting |
Sun, 30 November 2014
As we enter this Christmas season, we will likely experience a lot of things - happiness, cheer, nostalgia, busy-ness, anxiety, and even sadness. One of the most important things to experience in this season, though, is spiritual - God Himself. This weekend, join Adam Dressler as he works through how we can experience something truly spiritual during this season through the unlikely discipline of waiting. Scriptures: Psalm 62 Keywords: Christmas, Advent, Waiting, Psalms, Patience, Hope |
Sun, 23 November 2014
Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus continually calling his followers to complete surrender. One of the ways that this call changes us is through our surrender to a generous life. But how do we practically practice generosity? This weekend, Adam Dressler explores one of the Bible's most clear and compelling passages on this subject as we finish up our short series, For You Not From You. Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 8:7-11, 8:3-5, 9:6-8 Keywords: Generosity, Money, 2 Corinthians, Paul |
Sun, 16 November 2014
Many times when you are striving to follow Jesus it can seem like God is constantly calling us to do hard things. We often forget that God wants more for us then he wants from us. Join Michael Bayne as he unpacks the why behind the call God makes on us to embrace generosity with our money, time, and influence. Scriptures: Mark 10:17-27 Keywords: sacrifice, generosity, giving, growth, mission |
Sun, 9 November 2014
As we conclude our series on the book of Ephesians, we see Paul ending his letter with an appeal to his readers about a controversial, but vital subject. In many ways, nothing else that Paul has said makes sense without this last passage. Join Adam Dressler this weekend as he closes our series and explores Paul's much-needed words on what the Christian life should look like. Scriptures: Ephesians 6:10-20 Keywords: Spiritual warfare, devil, Paul, Ephesians, armor of God, prayer, spirituality, Christian life |
Sun, 2 November 2014
Many of us view work as something that we have to do in order to get money so we can do what really want to do. But what if work was meant to give us more than money? What if work actually has the power to shape us into who God ultimately wants us to be? Join Adam Dressler this week as he examines what Paul said about work and how it can speak to us today. Scriptures: Ephesians 6:5-9 Keywords: Work, Authority, Slaves, Masters, Ephesians, Paul |
Sun, 26 October 2014
Parenting can be challenging but let’s be honest, being a kid today can be just as hard. Join Michael Bayne this week as he continues our journey through Ephesians and unpacks how God longs to shape the story of our families. Scriptures: Ephesians 6:1-4 Keywords: parenting, family, home, faith, legacy, kids |
Sun, 19 October 2014
The idea of marriage can mean many different things. Pure happiness. Difficult hardship. And often somewhere in between. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul outlines the basic foundation of a marriage that honors God and brings joy both husbands and wives. Join Adam Dressler this weekend as he unpacks what the Bible says about marriage and how we can strive to to respond to God's plan for our marriages today. Scriptures: Ephesians 5: 22-33, Ephesians 5:18,21 Keywords: Marriage, Relationships, Men, Women, Ephesians, Paul |
Sun, 12 October 2014
What is your purpose? What are you supposed to do with your life? What does God want for your life? This weekend, Adam Dressler explores these questions and more as he continues our series on the book of Ephesians. Scriptures: Ephesians 5:1-21 Keywords: Purpose, God's Will, New Life, Ephesians, Paul, Redemption |
Sun, 5 October 2014
How do we really change? What kind of changes does God ask us to make? What does a life changed by God actually look like? Join Adam Dressler as he walks through some very specific answers to these questions as he continues our series through Ephesians. Scriptures: Ephesians 4:17-32 Keywords: Change, New Life, Ephesians, Paul, Anger, Emotions, Gossip, Character |
Sun, 28 September 2014
When Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus, he wanted to encourage them. Having just spent three chapters writing about God's glorious work redemption, he now turns his attention to the community. This weekend, join Adam Dressler as he explores Ephesians 4 and the importance of pursuing growth that truly matters. Scriptures: Ephesians 4:1-16 Keywords: Church, Character, Ephesians, Paul, Humility, Community |
Sun, 21 September 2014
Paul pushes "pause" again in his letter to pray for his readers. One of the most famous passages of prayer in the bible, we see Paul pray two powerful things for his people: an inner transformation and an experience of love. Join Adam Dressler as we explore Paul's prayers in our series on Ephesians. Scriptures: Ephesians 3:14-21 Keywords: Prayer, Paul, Ephesians, Love |
Sun, 14 September 2014
Paul wrote to his readers as world traveler, church starter, deep thinker, but most of all as a pastor. In this passage, we see Paul pastoring his readers by reminding them of two important truths: a mystery and a proclamation. Join Adam Dressler as he continues our study of Ephesians. Scriptures: Ephesians 3:1-13 Keywords: Redemption, Gospel, Ephesians, Paul, Church |
Sun, 7 September 2014
Deep down we all long for a real relationship with God. The reality is that God also wants to have a relationship with us! Join Michael Bayne as he looks at Ephesians 2:11-22 and the truth that Jesus changed the rules so we could have a relationship with God! Scriptures: Ephesians 2:11-22 Keywords: salvation, redemption, rules, hope, Ephesians |
Sun, 31 August 2014
One of the most extraordinary claims of the Christian faith is that a person can be “born again”. But why do they need to be reborn? And how does it happen? And what is God’s motive behind it? Join Nate Edmondson as he looks at what Paul writes in Ephesians 2:1-10, and explains what it means for us today. Scriptures: Ephesians 2:1-10 Keywords: Death, Life, Gospel, Ephesians, Salvation, Grace, Faith, Works, Love, Mercy, Sin |
Wed, 20 August 2014
Prayer can often leave us confused. Are we saying the right words? Are we asking for the right things? Are we even being heard? Still in the beginning of his letter to the church in Ephesus, Paul prays for his readers some specific requests in specific ways. Join Adam Dressler as he walks through Paul's prayer and explores how we can better pray today. Scriptures: Ephesians 1:15-23 Keywords: Prayer, Ephesians, Authority, Paul |
Fri, 15 August 2014
The book of Ephesians lays out timeless truths in a relevant way for our life today. As Paul begins his letter to the church, he unpacks the great truth of God's great plan in salvation. Join Adam Dressler as he kicks off the new series "Glorious. Scriptures: Ephesians 1:1-14 Keywords: Ephesians, Church, Gospel, Predestination, Adoption |
Sun, 10 August 2014
Everything we do at Grace Community Church is filtered through our mission. We think its pretty important for us to slow down and process why we do what we do as a church. Join Michael Bayne as he unpacks what we are about and where we are headed in the days to come as a church! Scriptures: Matthew 28:16-20 Keywords: direction, future, 2014, mission, vision |
Sun, 3 August 2014
As we finish our series on the life of Jacob, we see God not only giving Jacob a reminder of his promises, but also a new name. Why does Jacob need a new name? And what does that mean for us today? Join Adam Dressler as he concludes our summer series and explores what it means to be renamed by God. Scriptures: Genesis 35:9-15 Keywords: Blessed and Broken, Jacob, Genesis, New Name |
Sun, 27 July 2014
Relational conflict has the power to separate us from others in powerful ways. But how do we experience the reconciliation that God desires for our relationships? Join Adam Dressler as he looks at this encounter between Jacob and his defrauded brother Esau and explores what reconciliation can look like for us today. Scriptures: Genesis 33:1-11 Keywords: Jacob, Reconciliation, Forgiveness, Genesis |
Sun, 20 July 2014
Jacob's story continues with a surprising twist: he must now face his troubled past head-on. Alone and afraid, he prepares for the unknown. However, before he faces his past, he must face God himself. Join Adam Dressler as he walks through this powerful event in Jacob's life in Blessed and Broken: The Life of Jacob. Scriptures: Genesis 32:22-32 Keywords: Jacob, Suffering, Genesis, Hope |
Sun, 13 July 2014
As we continue to walk through the life of Jacob, we find his pursuit of a girl named Rachel. What looks like a story of marriage and romance turns into a desperate search for satisfaction and meaning through this relationship. Join Michael Bayne this weekend as we explore how God breaks the idols in Jacob’s life and how draws us today to find our satisfaction in Him alone. Scriptures: Genesis 29:15-30 Keywords: Jacob, marriage, satisfaction, Genesis, idols |
Sun, 6 July 2014
As we continue to walk through the life of Jacob, we see God revealing himself to his servant through a midnight encounter in a foreign land. It is within this encounter that God gives Jacob something he desperately needs - reassurance and hope. Join Adam Dressler this weekend as we explore how God reassures Jacob and how he reassures us, as well. Scriptures: Genesis 28:10-17 Keywords: Jacob, Genesis, Blessing, Brokenness, Reassurance, Hope |
Sun, 29 June 2014
How does God deal with his servants? How does he treat those who try to follow him? In the book of Genesis, we see a tremendous - and sometimes even troubling - example of how God interacts with one of his followers, Jacob. Join Michael Bayne as he kick’s off this series and looks at the moment Jacob’s life was changed forever through God’s blessing. Scriptures: Genesis 27:18-29 Keywords: Blessing, Deception, Sin, Salvation, Relationship |
Sun, 22 June 2014
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus famously says that he has come into this world to give us rest. What kind of rest is Jesus talking about? How can we experience this rest in our everyday lives? This weekend, Adam Dressler finishes up our series on rest by looking at this famous invitation and working through some practical implications for our lives today. Scriptures: Matthew 11:28-30 Keywords: Rest, Jesus, Matthew, Work, Busy |
Sun, 15 June 2014
The Bible calls us to regularly make space in our lives for rest. But too often we ignore this call and instead settle for a constant state of busy-ness. What keeps us from regularly making rest a priority? How can we change our attitude towards overworking, being busy, and ignoring the call to rest? Join Adam Dressler this weekend as he continues our series on rest and explores these questions. Scriptures: Luke 10:38-42 Keywords: Rest, Sabbath, Work, Luke, Busy |
Sun, 8 June 2014
Our lives are often filled with work to do, relationships to maintain, and lists to accomplish. We then slowly move to accept busy-ness - and the exhaustion that comes from busy-ness - as normal. But what if God called us to a different kind of life that wasn't just about being busy? Join Adam Dressler as he explored God's gift to the busy life in the first week of our new series, Rest. Scriptures: Exodus 20:8-11 Keywords: Rest, Ten, Commandments, Spiritual Disciplines, Sabbath |
Sun, 1 June 2014
What makes a Christian church different from other types of churches? What makes a follower of Jesus different than a follower of another religion? Acts 3 gives us a surprising and challenging answer. Join Adam Dressler as he concludes our Roots series. Scriptures: Acts 3:1-10 Keywords: Roots, Acts, Peter, Miracles, Spiritual Power |
Sun, 25 May 2014
The Early Church was marked by a profound sense of focus and mission. This weekend, join Michael Bayne as we continue our series called “Roots." He will explore what made the Early Church so powerfully driven by mission and how we can live with that same focus today. Scriptures: Acts 2:45-47 Keywords: mission, direction, goal, focus, church, purpose |
Sun, 18 May 2014
We're pushing "pause" on our Roots series to give an update about Grace's financial position. Join Adam Dressler as he discusses where we are and where we want to go as a faith community. Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 8-9 Keywords: Church Finances, Giving, Grace, 2 Corinthians |
Sun, 11 May 2014
The Early Church was marked by a profound sense of community and together-ness. This weekend, join Adam Dressler as we continue our series called "Roots." He will explore what made the Early Church so powerfully connected to one another and how we can experience that same kind of community today. Scriptures: Acts 2:42-44, Galatians 3:27-28 Keywords: Roots, Acts, Community, Fellowship |
Sun, 4 May 2014
We all come from somewhere. Where we come from shapes who we are today. As we begin our new series "Roots," join Adam Dressler as he teaches through the first sermon in Christianity and how we can be shaped by its foundational call to repentance. Scriptures: Acts 2:37-41 Keywords: Acts, Repentance, Early Church, Church Health |
Sun, 27 April 2014
The week after Easter and now what? While the Resurrection is the foundational belief of Christianity, what Jesus did after Easter is just as important - and often overlooked. Join us this weekend as Adam Dressler examines Jesus' actions after he rose from the dead and shows how they speak to our lives today. Scriptures: Acts 1:3-11 Keywords: Acts, Easter, Ascension, Prayer |
Sun, 20 April 2014
The Resurrection is the foundational belief within the Christian faith. Without it, everything else falls. Come celebrate Easter with us as Adam Dressler examines what Jesus finished (and began) when he rose from the grave. Scriptures: John 20:1-10 Keywords: Easter, Jesus, Resurrection, John 20 |
Sun, 13 April 2014
We’re reminded of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross every easter. We know He died for our sins, but we rarely embrace that truth in our everyday life as we attempt to earn God’s favor. Join Michael Bayne as he kicks off the Finished series and asks the simple question, was the cross really enough? Scriptures: John 19: 28-30 Hebrews 7:22-28 ESV Keywords: salvation, redemption, atonement, sin, forgiveness |
Sun, 6 April 2014
Pleasure. Wisdom. Work. Wealth. Everything has left the author of Ecclesiastes empty. As he concludes his search for meaning, he finally arrives at something that will leave him satisfied. Join Adam Dressler as we end our series and learn where true meaning for our lives can be found. Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Keywords: Meaning, Ecclesiastes, Fear of God, Worship, Conversion |
Sun, 30 March 2014
In our modern world, few things capture our hearts like wealth and money. But what if chasing after wealth wasn't all that it promised to be? Join Adam Dressler as we continue to explore the book of Ecclesiastes in our series, Chasing After God Knows What. Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 5:10-17, Matthew 6:19-21 Keywords: Money, Wealth, Ecclesiastes, Sermon on the Mount |
Sun, 23 March 2014
For many of us, our work defines us. We count on our jobs to give us meaning, significance, and purpose in our lives. However, our work can also be filled with challenges and even dangers. This weekend, join Adam Dressler as we explore what Ecclesiastes shows us about the potential glories and downfalls of our work. Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 2:18-26 Keywords: Work, Ecclesiastes, Creation |
Sun, 16 March 2014
Description: What does it mean to live a wise life? How do we know that our lives will really add up to anything good? Join Adam Dressler this weekend as we continue to explore the book of Ecclesiastes and its message for our lives today. Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 2:11-17 Keywords: Wisdom, Foolishness, Ecclesiastes, Death |
Sun, 9 March 2014
We’re all chasing after something in our search for meaning and significance. Join Michael Bayne as he unpacks Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 to uncover the familiar target of pleasure that we all chase to find satisfaction in life. Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 Psalm 34:8-9 Keywords: pleasure, money, power, stuff, satisfaction, meaning, Jesus, Ecclesiastes |
Sun, 2 March 2014
Throughout our lives, we are on a search for meaning, significance, and happiness. We often find ourselves feeling meaningless, insignificant, and unhappy. How do we face these feelings and find true meaning for our lives? As we begin this series, Adam Dressler will explore our search for life's meaning in the book of Ecclesiastes. Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 1:2-11 Keywords: Ecclesiastes, Searching, Meaning |
Sun, 23 February 2014
Over time every relationship will face times of intense struggle and frustration. The temptation for most couples is to ignore the problem or just walk away from the relationship. Join Michael Bayne as he looks to scripture to help couples face the struggle and seek healing and health in their marriages and relationships. Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 7:8-11 Keywords: hurt, pain, breakup, marriage, betrayal, healing, hope, divorce, 2 Corinthians |
Sun, 16 February 2014
So often we view our relationships from the perspective of self-gratification. When conflict comes along we feel threatened and insecure. Join Dr. Kent Hughes this Sunday as we discuss what God is doing in our lives through the relationships and conflicts we have. There may be more going on in your conflicts than just a problem that needs to be solved. God is shaping you. Scriptures: John 17: 9, 15-21 Keywords: Conflict, Holy, Christlike, Humility, Control, Forgiveness |
Sun, 9 February 2014
Relationships bring so much meaning to life and simultaneously they are beautifully messy and difficult. God created marriage and by stepping back and looking at that relationship there are so many lessons to learn. This week join Chelsea Bayne as she unpacks Ephesians 5:21-33 and asks the question every woman has…what do men really need from us as women? Scriptures: Ephesians 5:21-24, 33 Genesis 3:16 Keywords: marriage, men, women, honor, respect, love, Ephesians |
Sun, 2 February 2014
Relationships bring so much meaning to life and simultaneously they are beautifully messy and difficult. God created marriage and by stepping back and looking at that relationship there are so many lessons to learn. This week join Michael Bayne as he unpacks Ephesians 5:21-33 and asks the question every man has…what do women really want from us as men? Scriptures: Ephesians 5:21-33 Keywords: Relationships, Marriage, connection, Love, Dating, Ephesians, Women, Men |
Sun, 26 January 2014
When we start something that demands faith we will always be tempted to quit. Join Michael Bayne as he helps us discover how we can push through the temptation to quit so that we can see God do the impossible. Scriptures: Exodus 14 Keywords: perseverance, focus, opposition, Exodus, drive, direction |
Sun, 19 January 2014
Anytime we start something that demands faith the first step is always the hardest. Join Michael Bayne as he helps us discover how we can take those first few daring steps and gain real momentum. Scriptures: Genesis 11:27-32 & 12:1-9 Keywords: progress, momentum, goal, hope, start, direction |
Sun, 12 January 2014
When you start anything that’s significant you will face opposition. Join Michael Bayne has he invites us to let go of the things that so often hold us back from moving forward. Our past can’t be allowed to determine our future. Scriptures: Romans 5:1-8 Keywords: past, sin, hope, future, resistance, forgiveness, progress, start |
Sun, 5 January 2014
Every New Year ushers in a sense of a new beginning, a fresh start. Many of us make resolutions because there are things in our lives we want to change. Join Michael Bayne as he kicks off the Start series and reminds us to slow down and ask God what He wants us to start! Scriptures: Habakkuk 3:1-2 & 17-19 Keywords: begin, resolution, new year, forward, progress, faith, direction, faith, Habakkuk, start |