How does Jesus want his followers to relate to the world?  Through two powerful metaphors of salt and light, he shows us how we are called to influence those around us.

Scriptures: Matthew 5:13-16, Isaiah 59:1-2, 9-10

Keywords: Salt, Light, Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5, City on a Hill, Jesus, Mission, Church

Direct download: GCC20151025.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 8:30am CDT

This is one of the most famous passages of Scripture leading off one of the most famous sermons in history. Join us this week as we uncover the heart behind these powerful verses. 
Scriptures: Matthew 5:1-12
Keywords: Jesus, Sermon on the Mount, Kingdom, Discipleship, Spiritual Growth, Matthew
Direct download: GCC20151018.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 8:30am CDT

The most famous sermon from the most famous person in history.  This week, we begin our series on the Sermon on the Mount as we look at how Jesus prepares us to hear some of his most profound teachings. 


Scriptures: Matthew 4:23-5:1

Keywords: Jesus, Sermon on the Mount, Kingdom, Discipleship, Spiritual Growth, Matthew

Direct download: GCC20151011.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 8:30am CDT

God's salvation is not just a solution for individual souls, but a solution for everywhere the world is broken.  This week we talk about our last core value of cultural renewal as we end our all-church vision series.


Scriptures: Matthew 6:9-13, Jeremiah 29:1-7

Keywords: The Next Ten, Cultural Renewal, Mission, Church, World, Calling, Vocation, Jesus, Lord's Prayer, Jeremiah

Direct download: GCC20151004.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 8:30am CDT





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