Your doubt doesn't change the reality or power of the ressurection. Following Jesus is not doubt or faith it's doubt plus faith!

Scriptures: John 20:1-31

Keywords:   Doubt, Questions, Resurrection, Faith

Direct download: GCC20130331.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 12:00pm CDT

Even in the middle of confusing circumstances Jesus is still with us, in us, and working around us.

Scriptures: John 16:29-33 

Keywords:  confusion, trouble, suffering, hope, Jesus

Direct download: GCC20130324.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 12:30pm CDT

J. Warner Wallace is a cold-case homicide detective, a missions leader, and a church planter. As a result of his work with cold cases, Wallace has been featured on numerous television programs including Dateline, FOX News, and Court TV. Wallace's visual presentations in the courtroom have revolutionized how capital offense trials are presented in Los Angeles County and across the country. A vocal atheist for many years, Wallace is now an apologist for Christianity with a master's degree in theology and the founder of the blog and podcast.

Keywords:  Cold-Case Christianity, Homicide Detective,  J. Warner Wallace, Atheist, Apologetics

Direct download: GCC20130317.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 12:00pm CDT

When there is so much evil in the world where is God? How can I believe in a God who would allow this much pain?

Scriptures: Genesis 3:1-7 Romans 1:24-25 Romans 1:28-32 Romans 8:35-39

Keywords:  evil, suffering, hope, faith, salvation

Direct download: GCC20130310.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 12:30pm CDT

Many times of kids demand so much attention we neglect to work on our marriage. Here is how we can keep from forgetting our vows as we parent our kids. 

Scriptures:  Genesis 27:1-40

Keywords:  Marriage, Parenting, Focus, Faith, Health

Direct download: GCC20130303.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 12:30pm CDT





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