The Life of Joseph is one that points us back to the reality of our lives. One of the undeniable truths we see in life is that we face many tests. We face daily tests of choosing what is right and what is wrong. Do we give in to our temptations or overcome to live in integrity. Today we look at the cost of integrity and the reward of unity it offers us all. 

Key Verses: Genesis 39:7-18

Direct download: GCC20220724.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 7:53pm CDT

In the eleven years Joseph serves in Potiphar's house, he experiences success in spectacular ways. Alongside God's sovereign presence, Joseph works in a way that brings God's blessing to those around him. In our lives today, we discover God is more interested in our character than any possessions we gain through our work.

Key Verses: Genesis 39:1-6a
Speaker: Jonathan Cliff 

Direct download: GCC20220717_.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 10:41am CDT

The story of Joseph is one we can all relate to, but not for the reasons we like to think. The story of Joseph reminds us of the reality of evil that we all face, the reality of evil that dwells within us. Joseph’s brothers commit evil against their brother Joseph. What we learn through their actions is that this evil is something we all share in common, but what is the reality of evil within us and how can we experience a greater reality?

Key Verses: Genesis 37:18-36
Speaker: Van Riggins  

Direct download: GCC20220710.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 11:22pm CDT

At the beginning of Joseph's life story, we see the importance of a strong character that must align with Joseph's unique and undeniable gifts. He is thrust into an incredible journey due to his father's favoritism and his brothers' jealousy, yet despite these obstacles, his strong gift of faithfulness shines through. 

Key Verses: Genesis 37:1-17
Speaker: Jonathan Cliff 

Direct download: GCC20220703.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 11:43pm CDT





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