One of the rhythms of grace God offers us is really difficult, Community. Community doesn’t sound too difficult, but those of us who have lived long enough know that community is hard to be a part of. Many of us would rather exclude ourselves from community instead of embrace it, but believe it or not we were made for community. But why? And how do we embrace it?

Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 12:14-26

Keywords: community, rhythm, Grace, habit, vulnerability, Paul, 1 Corinthians, body, image, give, grow



Direct download: GCC20200126.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 8:10am CDT

Pulling away to be alone with God has the power to change us like nothing else. In this sermon, we look at the rhythm of solitude and why we need to practice it regularly.

Scriptures: Luke 5:12-16

Keywords: solitude, alone, silence, stillness, prayer, spiritual formation


Direct download: GCC20200119.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 11:50pm CDT

The Bible is central to our growth with God. Too often, however, we avoid reading it. In this sermon, we will look at what the Bible actually is, why we need to understand it, and how can better practice the rhythm of reading it.

Scriptures: Luke 4:1-13

Keywords: spiritual formation, growth, bible, word, story

Direct download: GCC20200112.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 8:30am CDT

How do we make real progress in our relationship with God? As we begin our new series on spiritual growth, we look at how prayer is the foundational practice by which we come to know God,
and ourselves.
Scriptures: Romans 12:9-21

Keywords: prayer, spiritual growth, disciplines, rhythms, knowing God


Direct download: GCC20200105.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 8:48am CDT





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